Ships from Canadian warehouse. Most customers receive within 1-2 business day. We ship from 9 different warehouse in canada, Quebec, Ontario and now Calgary AB. Monday through Friday (excluding holidays). For in stock items, orders placed and received in our system before 3:00 p.m. EST usually will be shipped out the same day. Typically, orders placed after 3:00 p.m. EST will be shipped following business day. Orders placed on non business hours (Saturday, Sunday, Holidays and M~F after 6:00 p.m. EST) will be processed the following business day.
Please note that ship dates are estimates and may change depending on the location where the package is heading. Also, the actual delivery date of your order can be impacted by events beyond our control after it leaves our facilities, and cannot prevent delivery delays. Tracking information is provided by third party carriers and is not responsible for this data.